halfniversary, 6monthversary, ya kurang lebih begitulah!
betah2 di bumi yaa <3 <3

15 181

(very, VERY) late post www
anyway, happy 6monthversary Iofi
keep up the good work~~

11 186

A bit late (again) but,
Happy 6 month anniversary, Iofi 🎨

49 458

happy 6 bulanan Iofi, rayakan dengan mandi 6 bulanan..kalau 7 bulanan, hamil donk wkwkwk..sory telat bikin fanart xD

18 259

Congratzz for your 6 Month Anniversary . . . 🎉🎉🎉
( iofi versi habis mandi )

15 203

Selamat Airani Iofifteen atas pencapaian 100K subs dan 6 bulan aniversary

5 135

Pada nyanyi wwwww, btw happy anniversary for 6 month, sudah 6 tah- maksudku bulan ngikutin iofi.
Karena chassy ga bisa nyanyi jadi cuman bikin fanart ehehe, makasih buat 6 bulan nya yang sangat random ini wwwwww

3 95

I've got inspiration from your violin play~
Happy 6th months anniversary
Iohime~ 🎨🎻💗🎶🎵

(Re-upload missed some details wwww)

12 118

Congratulations for 6 months anniversary Iofi 🎉🎉🎉

Semoga keinginan iofi kedepan terkabul 🙏 dan jangan lupa jaga kesehatan.

2 88

congrats for 6 month yopiii ✨✨✨

from the start i confused to choose 2 of my recordings so I choose both and combine it 😂😂

3 89

S'lamat udah 6 bulan jdi v tuber👏
Moga makin sukses! UwU

2 112

Happy 6monthversary to Hololive ID Gen 1! Unfortunately, this is all I can do at a short notice since my hands are kinda full right now. Here's to more HoloID goodness to come.

11 145

Pada nyanyi...
Haah yaudah aku ikutan (tbh... malu... tapi.. YOLO-LAH)

Turn A Turn but its

Happy 6 Months (or... Half year ?) Anniversary iofi
We will continue to support you 'w')b

7 84