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Really happy with how this image of the Tulip Nebula turned out.
7 hours of data taken with:
•Askar PHQ80
•ZWO Asi 2600mm pro
•Antlia 3nm SHO filters
•IOptron CEM60
For more info check out my YouTube video: https://t.co/X61FV8gJb4
#astronomy #Astrophotography
Horsehead and Flame nebulae. 107 3-min subs.
Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 apo refractor
iOptron GEM45 mount
Starizona Apex ED-L reducer (effectively f/3.6)
ASI533MC Pro camera
Processed with PixInsight, Starnet++ V2, Affinity Photo, and Topaz Labs Sharpen AI.
5 hours of 3 minute unguided exposures on the Rosette Nebula. Captured using my SharpStar 76mm refractor, ASI294MC Pro camera, Radian Triad Ultra filter and Ioptron CEM40EC mount.
My best astrophotography 2021 with my first of 2022 Melotte 15 in Heart nebula ic1805
🔭 TS ONTC 10"
📸 Zwo294MM
⚙️iOptron Cem120
🔎 Antlia Filters
#Astrophotography #space #univers #cosmos #nebula #zwo #Antlia3nm
Geminid meteor crosses near Leonard, on a cold and cloudy night.
Nikon d750
Laowa 100mm
Ioptron star tracker. Image Da Ko.
The Wizard Nebula. About 7 hours of 3-min subs, ASI533MC Pro with L-Extreme through a SW Esprit 100 on iOptron GEM45 mount. Processed with #PixInsight, #AffinityPhoto, and #DenoiseAI. #Astrophotography
The Bubble Nebula - NGC7635. Shot from my backyard using a iOptron 10” RC scope. #Astrophotography
Messier 95,or NGC 3351, is a barred spiral galaxy located about 33 million LY away in the constellation Leo.
Tec 140 F7
Xpress Trius SX-694 Pro Mono
Astronomik LRGB Ha
iOptron CEM60 "Standard"
Copyright: David Wills
AAPOD2: https://t.co/9z8sohfTme
Almost binned this image after disappointing post-processing results. Gave it one last attempt using a tutorial by @AstroBackyard; glad I didn't give up as it's an improvement on my previous attempts at M42!
iOptron Skytracker, Canon 70d, Sigma 70-300
71 x 45 sec subs
ISO 1600
HaRGB of the Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) along with the reflection nebula NGC 2023, part of a whole neighborhood of nebulosity around the leftmost star in Orion's Belt, the blue supergiant Alnitak. #Atik #WilliamOptics #iOptron https://t.co/EdI08sY8kI