let's celebrate for DNF day✔️

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Patriot Day 2020. We remember our heroes and our fallen from that fateful day, September 11, 2001.
Thank you.👊

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«If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate».

(Sandy Dahl, widow of Flight 93 Pilot Jason Dahl)

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Why You Should Attend the Community’s IoT Day Slam 2020 IoT Conference https://t.co/OgyUFJAdtE

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Lil Stevie Special 9-11 Tribute. We Remember. Your sacrifice was not in vain. We have have this. Rest easy brothers and sister.Till that day I thought I would never wear a uniform now I am so proud to serve my community.

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. Our goals are simple - to get people talking about how IoT can make a real difference. 🤠

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"Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow." Dan Rather

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We remember the events and stand united against terrorism.

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