Oparion and Cazenovia design concepts

5 23

Older compilation from the IRR reference archives

5 51

Want to work on the essay again :( it's been difficult, but it would be worth it

4 25

Héčhamuŋ kte šni tkȟa yeló (vent)

3 29

"Surely you can resist fascism without guns and bloodshed? Can fight it by loving another human being?"

6 39

It was Vassan's birthday on the 5th 🥳 nitȟá aŋpétu wašté

6 34

They love each other very much :)

4 30

Nova Stella and Metroguard character studies

2 18

Some Paris Metroguard officers (Mara, Kostyan, Kamal, Emmanuelle)

6 38

"Šuŋmánitu waŋ iwaháŋble ló... na waná mat'íŋ kte kiŋ kȟaŋyéla ihé."

5 26

"You do not need personal grudge to fight fascists, you only need to be paying attention." (I was too lazy to do a background sorry bye)

5 70

My stomach hurts and I can't fall back asleep so here is some Kostyan rework
:) watermark says 2020 but it's from last year

4 41

She's just one big reality check 🔥

4 7