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Have you voted for Shiina yet? This is her last chance to win this year and there are less than 12 hours left so go vote for her now!

Vote here: https://t.co/QnxcCxbgMD

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The last ever ISML round has begun! This is also the last chance for Shiina to get her necklace!

She needs your help to win, so go vote now!

Vote at: https://t.co/QnxcCxaIX5

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Shiina still has one last chance for the last necklace.

Help her qualify!

Scan the QR code or click the link below to support Shiina now!

Vote here: https://t.co/QnxcCxaIX5

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Did you vote for Mashiro yet? If not, vote now!

She depends on it!

Scan the QR code or click the link below to support Shiina now!

Vote here: https://t.co/QnxcCxaIX5

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The Second Elimination begins! Although Shiina lost to Mai, she can survive with your help!

Scan the QR code and support Shiina now!

Vote here: https://t.co/QnxcCxaIX5

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Have you voted in ISML2022 yet? There are less than 7 hours left and Shiina needs your vote! ❤️❤️❤️

Go vote now!

Link here: https://t.co/P9HOWX2sZY

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Second Round of ISML 2022 Preliminary has begun! This time we have Nanami Aoyama in the thunder dome! 🤟

Will she make it? It all depends on you!🧐

Vote here: https://t.co/CnwHlsKJnO

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There are less than 6 hours to vote in the ISML2021 semi-finals, all who haven't voted and wish to vote should hurry!

The Vote link is here: https://t.co/P9HOWX2sZY

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The ISML tournament is back and the elimination round has begun.

It's time to get serious.

Vote now! And let us win Shiina this year's tiara.

Link: https://t.co/P9HOWX2sZY

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これで2021 ISMLのレギュラーシーズンが全て終了し、イレイナは全選手の中で唯一全40勝を挙げた選手となり、1/8のラウンド入りを果たした、今日はイレイナさんの勝利!https://t.co/pPkKawGaas

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