A scene of a busy dtreet,
Istiklal kadesi, Istanbul

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İstiklal Marşının kabulünün 100. Yılı Anısına 12 Mart 1921

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"I accept chaos, I'm not sure whether it accepts me"
Bob Dylan
(location: istiklal caddesi, Istanbul)

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İstiklâl Marşımızın kabulünün 100. yıl dönümünde Mehmet Akifi rahmet ve minnetle anıyorum. Rabbim milletimize bir daha Istiklâl Marşı yazdırmasın, ordumuzu ilelebet korusun muzaffer eylesin...

Suluboya / 30x40 cm.

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Tried to sketch ( famous street of ).
Such street is quite common to be seen in any big city. What holds them together are the flaunting delicacies, veracity and lots of synchronic emotions.

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If you are going to you should probably visit just behind avenue -

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