Day 6 : Ice Cream

Dah kelewat tapi kagok belom dikirim

35 148

DAY 3: Beach

how to take a picture with megumi: gondelin lalu langsung cekrek📸

40 158

Day 1: Confession

im sorry for any grammar eror
[bahasa indonesia ver ada di thread selanjutnya 🙌]

129 376

Day 6: Crossover
(Princess Mononoke)

🐺"I'll cut your throat. That'll shut you up."
🐯"You're beautiful."

174 641

Day 2 : School

Cuma ada satu hal yang pasti ketika jadwal kelas normal. Ya, nyontek PR Fushi...


16 54

Day 1: Genderbend

Oh, look! It's the first years. They look kinda different tho-

27 82