I’m very late to this thread but thank you for it it anyway! I’m Sheikah and I’m experimenting with webcomics for now but I’d love to be in the industry some day

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I've seen this floating around, and It's a medium I love more than anything and I start my master's in comics and graphic novels in Dundee on Monday. It really feels like a positive step and I want to challenge myself and improve every day.

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Hi! Artist/Writer. I am a college student currently reworking my webcomic Sweet Demons 🍭(https://t.co/kmmn48M6Ro)

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I’m late to the party but when the godmother of all comics extends a hand, I’m going to take it!
Hi, I’m Bradey and I also thoroughly enjoy character design~
More of my work can be found at https://t.co/IXLkuSfXQr

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Rafael Gallardo ()
I'm a Mexican illustrator/comic book artists and I'm working on a 10pg Christmas-Horror comic collaboration with a writer friend which we hope to submit for an anthology soon.

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My name is Josh Church, I mostly do lisenced portrait art for card companies, but really want to work in comics in any capacity. I mostly do pencils and colors, haven't done interiors in a long time but have in the past.

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Hello! My name is Petra and I’m a german storyboard artist in the animation industry. In my spare time I draw fancomics and short stories for Anthologies because too! 💗

https://t.co/5fIKZfKB3G (brandnew, still wip)

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Hi, my name is Ruth Ilano and I have a degree in sequential art from SCAD and I can write + illustrate.

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So and I combined our forces to make one: Foxes with Machine Guns, about a former cop and autistic man on the trail of a murderer. I write, she draws. One more page until it’s complete.
You can find more at https://t.co/KQxtrBLPJ1, or our twitter. ^

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My name is Brooks and I’m about pushing the status quo and evolving how people perceive this visual storytelling medium.

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MFA in Comics grad based in NYC and I write and illustrate my own stories, as well as write short fiction and non-fiction stories for zines and outlets. I live writing, and I hope to work as a in the future as well!

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I write and draw Desiderium on Webtoon. I have a lot to learn and refine, but this is my first - serious - attempt at a comic. I used to be too intimidated to even try comics.

I can be found by eruden or erudenedure on most social media.

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I'm a graduate from previous comic maker, concept artist, and I'm aspiring to a more involved career in comic art!


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Hello! I'm Masq, a comic artist from Oregon. My dream is to create and publish my own stories. My main influence is tokusatsu and various Marvel/DC stories.
Here are a few links to my works:

Portfolio: https://t.co/KtV498YDAm
Webcomic: https://t.co/Gys2yEd0zX

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Hi! I'm an amateur illustrator and in my free time im learning to make comics, i post here some illustrations :D

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Hi, I mostly do Children's books, but here are some of my comic styled inkings.#IWantToMakeComics

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