# rkgk

7/17 better late than never

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new boys for a idol group i'm making with

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when you're looping goya no machiawase impulse drawings happen

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6/3 THE DAY IS HERE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BESTEST BOYY 😭🔥ft. a small letter bc he made me so emo yesterday

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angsty, crass, glasses-wearers

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two of yuki’s brothers and byaku’s bodyguard

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the best girl *hands her the world*

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i realized 3 of myc ocs are super similar (like just in the sense of hairstyle and the overall vibe you get from looking at them hsjfhaks idk how to explain i-) and so i decided for fun i'd make a little guide for the three of them to tell them apart LOL

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5/5 happy birthday to my beautiful boy! you deserve the absolute best! thank you for giving me so much serotonin uwu

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the second group of one of my stories!
mina, anya, katsuki and shinobu

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from my ig. kohaku, yuki and tora busts

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