Ta-Matoran Jaller after his power was decreased, https://t.co/wcN3LDgSij

9 66

The Icy Winds of Gjallerbron S6

3 3

Jaller in the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle, https://t.co/aXM8FApYqB

7 62

Ta-Matoran Jaller after his power was decreased, https://t.co/wcN3LDxVkj

1 17

Toa Mahri Jaller as portrayed inbuilding instruction manual art, https://t.co/aXM8FAHzi9

1 21

I did a whoopsie
Jaller was suppose to be gijinkafied too

2 14

Toa Mahri Jaller as portrayed inbuilding instruction manual art, https://t.co/aXM8FApYqB

3 25

First LEGO set: Bionicle Toa Jaller

Last LEGO set: Mini Masterbuilding Metalbeard

Best LEGO set: Bionicle Tahu Nuva

Most Challenging LEGO set: Iron Monger Mayhem (Not hard per say, but it me awhile to build.)

Next LEGO set: Probably Sonic, Optimus Prime, or the Super Robot https://t.co/5JyI2nBfai

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