First Friday April 7th 6:45pm at

310 S. 1st St.

SJZ High School All Stars U19s

6:45pm– 7:25pm U19s will present a free performance in the SJZ Break Room.

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First Friday April 7th 5-9pm at
Natural Do Salon
613 S. 1st St.

Hollywood by Fuquan Divine

My interpretation of actors and singers in private thought

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Hope u like it :3

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It is time.
New PFP by @/LjArtsKaneshiro

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A year ago I was working on some personal illustrations with my own Japanese motifs on skateboards, as an example of logo I chose jartskateboards from hlcdistribution .
I never got to show them so here they are 😁 I hope you like them.

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