You ever wonder where those Dybbuks came from? Who summons them forth to this terrenal battlefield? Well, Now you know...
The Holder of Agony.
Credits: Id Software, ShallowB, Jaws45, Onslaught Six, Assmaster

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A homage to the famous Jaws scene where Quint and Brody try to avoid the shark as it’s crashing into the boat. We’ve included three yellow barrels and red ORCA insignia. 🦈

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Jaws opened 45 years ago. Saw it with my best friend a couple of years ago at the Royal Albert Hall, with full orchestra. He sadly passed away a year later - SO glad we had the chance to catch it on the big screen together, it was magic.

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Cannot believe that Jaws is 45. Happy birthday Bruce 🦈

Here’s an illlustration I did for a while back

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Happy birthday to ‘Jaws!’ I never made any art for it, but I DID make art for a cheap Italian ripoff! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

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45 years old today, my fave film... A lifetime of being addicted to bitey water torpedoes assured (and the reason for these two cards :D and plenty of my shark drawings)... thank you Mr Spielberg. And - remember - Let Polly do the printing... ❤️

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Its Anniversary today.
Heres a quick illustration i did 5 years ago for the 40th.

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One of my all time favourite movies and it’s a joy scrolling through Twitter and discovering some amazing Jaws themed art.

Art credits:

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Some stunning alternative poster artwork for JAWS.

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Jaws was released 45 years ago today - still stands the test of time .
Great acting , great cinematography and amazing soundtrack by John Williams.
Here's some fan art I did a couple of years back

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Smile You Son of a Bitch!

Happy Bday to the classic!

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If Jaws ever had competition for greatest shark film it would be Deep Blue Sea right??

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