obligatory jeith cats

6 52

Jeith/Jaith and Keith with no mullet just cause. ❤️🧡❤️🧡❤️🧡

14 43

I hate your voice
I hate your lips
I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss

17 65

You're probably wondering: Did James and Keith ever get married? Well, I am pleased to tell you that after years and years of asking and asking, Keith finally said Yes. Jk, Keith asked James. And they're living happily ever after.💖

36 165

Jeith Luca au with human James and sea monster Keith

16 131

the stance that keith assumes most often when he’s about to strike is actually a boxing stance, but i just think he’d look good kicking the shit out of something, so... muay thai

also i didn’t know if i should make this sheith or jaith/jeith so i made it both!!

9 16

A little fan art for ’s fic “The Unseen, the Unsaid, and the Understood”
I love the “clueless disaster bi” character trope and she portrays it so well 😩

5 16

I wrote jaith / jeith fic all of nano and I remembered how much I missed James 🥺🧡

5 12

jeith crumbs 👀👀

1 37

Dibujo / boceto rapidito de mis OCs Nekari y Jeithy ♥ Es muy relajante porder hacer cosillas más rápidas y con la línea de boceto, más gruesa y fácil de terminar ~

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