Day 4: Jenny Greenteeth
A water fae, Jenny Greenteeth will snatch and drown any wayward souls who wander too close to her water's edge.

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Subject-05 Jenny Greenteeth
This entity is known to enchant people camping near lakes and ponds, luring them into the water with a song where it then feasts on them. Highly Dangerous and regularly escapes containment!

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August's mythological creature coloring page was Jenny Greenteeth! This is my version, but the coloring page is currently exclusively available to all patrons! once the set is finished, they'll be available publicly!

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The site of Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral, St James Mount was once home to a witch A statue of her was found when excavations were taking place. She is also believed 2B the inspiration behind child snatcher.
Art Alexandra Dawe

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According to sailors, this rhyme supposedly sung by of & Come into the water, love Dance beneath the waves Where dwell the bones of sailor lads Inside my saffron cave

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