날도 춥고 데엑 보고싶다 jensard 보고싶다...

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This could be someone’s OC, but it’s just your Jensard guardian

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an art trade i did with ! the topic was date night!
hope you like it 💕💕

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Just a sketch from a aleatory roleplay haha

2 9

Was rereading some Jensard fanfics today and couldn’t resist to draw my sweet bun once again

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I wasn’t able to draw yesterday at all, so be prepared for shitposting with 100500+ artworks today✌️

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Feel me in the corner,
Beside your mouth.
Feel me in the inside of the
Faintest trace of sound.
It's fire underwater,
Breathing while you drown.
Feel me in the saturation,
When the sun burns out.

7 24

It’s kinda hard to produce content every day, so I’ll draw this french buns how I want them and not following the list of the probably… 👉👈

3 15

Day 12: Song

Take off your clothes,
Blow out the fire,
Don’t be so shy
You’re right
You’re right…

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Day 11: flowers
You can expect some more AU pics, because I love them so much 😩

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Day 6: AU ft. my favorite revers AU with our husbands✨

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A quick selfportrait (gonna be a new avatar here?..) and a piece of art. 🦋

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