Commission for a sharp toothed shark lady with a spear that can form elemental tines to turn into a trident which is just SUCH A COOL IDEA

29 162

Two more sweet kiddos 💜 I had a lot of freedom with the outfits for these two and took the opportunity to expand into less western-centrist style clothes

10 79

More from kid month, a bb fairy girl with her pet bb owlbear (patrons can confirm I was giddy to draw the bb owlbear) and a young firbolg wearing mama's much too big coat 💜💜💜

6 99

Okay so Joliette "Jolly" Frances St. Germaine IV gets his own post because he's a rEAL BIG BOY WITH A BIG HAMMER 💜💜💜

15 174

Going to be posting these two at a time until I've caught up on posting the sketches from my Patreon. Here's Posideus, a water genasi warped by a being of pure chaos, and Spritz the DragonKitty street urchin from Waterdeep

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Painting practice with good ol Chet, ty for your dedication in making critter artists learn how to draw crotchety old men

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Omen the Hollow One Bloodhunter (left) and Rune Finch the Runechild Sorcerer/Genie Warlock
Definitely zoom in on that mace and that puzzle box, I got super damn fixated on the little details on these two

15 99

Commission of a sweet Tricksters Cleric of Loki named Laroda Plum 💜 I LOVE this color scheme so gotdamn much, absolutely gonna use it again

42 315

Nova, Circle of Spores Druid, Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend of My Dreams 💜💜💜💜💜

25 150

A fantastic gnome by the name of Speck Slipknot, who channels the spirits of his old circus troupe in battle!! I literally had to stop myself from going all out on those specters, it would've never gotten done 🤣

17 122