Some Lethonia-era post-game headcanon scribblings featuring babies~

Why? Because that's how I cope.

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so... hit me quite hard alright
all i wish to my half-qyranian elementalist is a dozen of luck up there with the most handsome man of them all,

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Day 14 - Time (Anything!)

To the many precious winters spent together...and to many more to come~

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Day 9 - Denied

She grieved him. She was still grieving him when he returned.

He could not blame her for her silence. She could not even look him in the eye.

What could he say?

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Day 7 - Ravenous

…led to another~

(re-uploaded for a fix)

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Day 5 - Stolen

…then one thing...

(re-upload for a fix)

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Day 4 - Chaste

...just a peck on the cheek~

(re-upload for a fix)

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Starting the year with some colorful sketches...
Been wanting to do some for the prequel headcanon I have for Jespar and Maera~

Because I can... >.>

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Some face practices for Jespar and Tharael~

I miss these guys~

This was all I was able to manage since the last post I'm sorry lol

I need to practice expressions more X_X

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Just scribbling to study Jespar's face shape from screenshots while waiting for work feedback~

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