Fun fact about me, I don't like any League of Legends girls, I find them all extremely annoying, unbearable, horrible and overrated, I hate them so much that I don't accept commissions on them, except Irelia, She was the only one that I loved.

Commission done by Jinenji89

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The way Jinenji blushes when Kagome smiles at him!!!

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also to Jinenji's and Shiori's mom💖 thank you for always being brave and never hesitate to protect your babies 🥺❤❤

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Jinenji even inherited his dad's land after he died. With a HOUSE and fields of medicinal herbs.

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Jinenji & villagers for day 4 of sins week: Greed & Generosity ✨ for 💗

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Aah, fiquei triste pela Shiori. Pensei que a mãe dela ia viver tanto quanto a mãe do Jinenji 💔

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It may not be INUKAG... But what better way for me to be happy about something than introducing beautiful story of Jinenji's love life.😊
His wife Ume and their daughter Sakura, named after his mother.🌸

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Jinenji its one of my favorite Hanyou.♥️
On fanfic, Jinenji falls in love, but is not the common Beauty and the Beast tale. His love interest, Ume, herself has lived discrimanation and she is a sweet character. Im going to draw them together and post it soon.😊

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hints of Possible SessRin endgame:
when Jaken falls illl Jinenji's mother remarks how much Rin reminds her of herself when.she was young
Jinenji remarks how much Rin is like Kagome.
Rather than go after Naraku Sesshomaru saves Rin from falling to her death

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only real inuyasha fans stan jinenji

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Jinenji’s dad? Forest/Earth Demon Spirit?? How did I miss seeing him x103739 times??

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one time Jinenji said “she was like kagome-Chan, she’s more braver than me and warms your heart” referring to Rin I just hope Sesshomaru feels like him too and ik he does!!

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