user lan jingyeet finally drawing lan jingyi i'm still messing around with this style idk what i'm doing

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3. No creo que Jingyi toque el guqin la vdd, creo que le iría mejor tocando la flauta??? Como la de xichen pq todo el aire para gritar que hay en sus pulmones tiene que servir para algo más eh


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Good Omens AU cos I can't draw hornss😭

So instead of Adam being the anti-christ, its Cherub!Lan JingyeET with unspeakable power to cause worldwide chaos

Im sorry it sucks but might as well practice some coloring cos I miss colors🤧I hope you like it, skel!

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Jingyeet please...

33 96

We didn’t expect it’d really kick off but you amazingly proved otherwise. In behalf of , I would like to thank everyone who joined the LAN JINGYI APPRECIATION DAY!

26 71

Feed the boy with delicious chicken dishes ୧(*^▽^)୨

TYSM fellow moms to let me join this, sorry I'm the most un-mom of you 3, but I love this boy!

69 151

경의가 한입에 먹기에 케이크가 너무컷다

185 441

DECEMBER 5 is LAN JINGYI appreciation day!!! 🎉🎉🎉

Join us by posting your works (art, fic, memes, etc) of him and use any of the tags so we can track it! ❤️

189 365