No parece mal momento para recordar, con ayuda de , el encuentro entre y de dic 2018

Y ojo, Pedro, que le tiene acostumbrado a la más entregada pleitesía

➕#humor s/ los líderes 🇨🇳🇷🇺

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La úrsida pareja por
🇦🇺 23/2/22 [víspera de la invasión de
y 🇬🇧 15/3/22

➕#humor s/ &

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Recreaciones rusochinas del 'Rendez-vous' 20/9/1939 de David Low por 19/3/23 y 16/9/22

➕#humor s/ &

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Putin telling Xi Jinping about his plans for Russian world domination

121 993

Patrick Blower
The Telegraph
London, UK, March 21, 2023
You Rang, M'Lord?

0 2

"Caricature. Which of these two is Xi and which is Jinping?". Post Malevich described this drawing in words. Midjourney generated this drawing.

0 6

Xi and Putin bring "peace" to Ukraine. After the David Low cartoon about Hitler and Stalin.

5 9

Andy Davey: That rendezvous. Occasionally, I guess, one is allowed to ransack the great David Low's catalogue. Maybe this is just such an occasion - political cartoon gallery in London

17 60

That rendezvous. Occasionally, I guess, one is allowed to ransack the great David Low's catalogue. Maybe this is just such an occasion [Telegraph Sunday 19/3/23]

17 31

If I had a choice, I would only want to be a little insect in the mundane dust, born in confusion, dying in mediocrity, never seeing the light of day beneath the fog of Jinping City.

Better than taking this wrong road to heaven.

10 14

Xi Jinping begins a third term as president of China. Cartoons by , , Faditoon and .

For more cartoons, check out our collection:

8 29

Xi and Biden cutting up the plumb-pudding (after James Gillray). Today's cartoon by Rainer Hachfeld. More cartoons:

9 15

After 100 days of war situation is as usual,
Putin is counting on the world’s indifference while at home some Russians refuse to fight...

0 6

Tendencias del mercado negro más 'gabardino':
En 🇬🇧 escasean las verduras
anda pillando ofertas de
y parece que lo de los libros de se está reconduciendo hacia las librerías

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