Primates in Space suits prepare for take off! 🚀
Destination: BEYOND MOON 🟧🤫

19 74

Primates in Space suits prepare for take off! 🚀
Destination: BEYOND MOON 🟧🤫

15 49

I just wanna say… WELCOME TO THE MOTHER FUCKING JNGL to all the new holders.

is a family, and a supportive one at that.

Can’t wait to ride this to Valhalla with you all. Let’s gooooo


38 103

The JNGL is gaining momentum- a series of my favorite Primates in my bag, locked and loaded for the lab.

Which Primate is the best and why? 👇

25 75

As someone swept upto 8 sol fp just right now..... I got to buy this fella I've been eyeing since it might got swept as well..

12 48

A 🧵 about THE LAB from… the

🥼 Lab traits are getting made every day, with ideas being taken from our community in the 💡lab-ideas channel. We also have insight and ideas coming from our hands-on SUB DAOs . Let’s get into it!

33 68

Got my toolkit ready.

Very excited for what will bring to the

Thanks a lot for all the value you are giving to the community ♥️

1 7

Packing my bag a lil more before lab 🚀

10 40

GM legends ☕️
Cheers to my IRL business launching in less than 4 weeks.
Have a beautiful day from the 🌿

6 61

I hear 2 more weeks for THE LAB launch 😎. Are my fellow 🦍🦍🦍 holder excited and ready for the take over?? 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴

45 79

Want to know where the family is

Make some noise here and show your badboy

23 89

Decided to the JNGL today!

Where my primates at!

28 113

Should I pull the trigger and grab this beautiful 🧐

7 43

So, after months stalking this mfers, finally bought my first 🙏 Looks like big things coming with the new casino deal and the Lab out on February, time to get on the ride! 🚀

Where my fam at?! Show me the 🌴🦍🦅 Lets gooooo! 💎

18 83

Just had a small conversation with Primal, I’m more than ever bullish on and this team is building something bigger than we can all expect. Excited for the future of

28 71

Make that 5 for me! It was a no brainer picking this one! Welcome to your forever home buddy

12 63

Just wanted to show how messed up my primate was after being exposed to some tainted pharmaceuticals going by the brand of 🧃
After quarantine back to gorgeous, “luscious” you might say. 🦠🧤🌿

10 59

I minted the is flourishing more than ever. I love the

Super happy in this space rn and since meeting he is showing full transparency and what it takes to claim a throne 👑 Super bullish on X

38 70