As you can see, her comparison is quite apt.

BTW, I’ve drawn Joan before (albeit around 25 years older than depicted above). Here’s her in the Easter/Leporine’s Day special from last year.

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Also, comparison of Joan at age 35 and at age 67.

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"The Ketcham Wives, or: Ready for Leporine’s Day!"

It’s that time of year again, the time of year that we celebrate the lagomorph population of the world! You call it Easter, the Grunvaliverse calls it Leporine’s Day. (1/4)

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I believe it was Coco Chanel who said that old people look older by dressing like they’re young.

Well, it certainly applies to Joan Ketcham (Sally’s mother, age 67) in this 1960s-inspired outfit. She looks like she’s pushing 80.

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