It's the last day of the decade! 🎆🌕✨ See you soon, 🎉

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“Intuitively, artists create within the structural forms of nature.” 🌨
—#JockMacdonald (1897–1960)

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Only West Coast artist could make waves look both ominous and elegant 🌊 Here’s his “Graveyard of the Pacific” (1935) for 📍 For more masterpieces by Macdonald, see our Pinterest board:

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ACI author Joyce Zemans describes “The Black Tusk” (1932) as symbolic of “the rugged grandeur of British Columbia.” See the painting and experience the landscape at the same time now at the in Whistler:

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Where did painter develop his abstract style based on a spiritual relationship with nature? Find out:

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“Departing Day”, an abstracted evening sky, is an example of an original painting style created by born on this day in 1897.

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“Art now reaches the place where it becomes the expression of ideals and spiritual aspirations.” —#JockMacdonald

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