Hello Art People!

We hope you have a great day and hopefully this quote can motivate you to stay motivated at work.

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Sadness does not only come from problems or human actions, painting can be a cause for emotional feelings. 

How about you? What are the things that can make you bring out that emotional feeling?

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Raise your brush to define who you are and prove that you can make something

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Hello, Art People!
Are you experiencing art block right now? Don't have any idea about how and what to do with that? Worry not 'cause Artmin have three tips how to deal with art block.

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Art is universal, so does the objects within them. Take a look at your surroundings and you'll find a diverse and alluring living creature around, Art People!

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Hello, Art People!

These motivational words from Merry Riana remind us not to be afraid of the failures we face. If you fail, take it as a lesson and use it as motivation to move forward☺️

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Hope these tips will be helpful for you, Art People! 😁

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This tropical mural with the quotes will refresh and motivated you to do your task now, and don't put it off.

If you’re interested to order this cool mural service or another kind of mural, please contact us at 081977713154.

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Hai Art People!

Art tips kali ini kita akan mempelajari beberapa teknik dalam pembuatan mural.

Kira-kira dari teknik dibawah, teknik mural mana nih yang paling sesuai dengan gaya Art people?

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Hi ArtPeople!
Ada tips tutorial buat kalian yang bingung mau ngapain aja selama dirumah, ataupun setelah beraktivitas. Ini loh ada beberapa tips dari Jogja Painting, semoga bermanfaat ya!

Selamat mencoba✨

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