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Johann’s movie look comparison & concept art by Sandoval. We watch Hellboy 2: The Golden Army on this week’s podcast!🍿 #hellboybookclub #hellboy #mikemignola #duncanfegredo #guillermodeltoro #jamesdodd #johnalexander #sethmcfarlane #johannkrauss #sergiosandoval #spectralmotion
Galeria "#Hellboy & A.I.D.P" (4)
#JohannKrauss, el hombre ectoplásmico
He usado la técnica del #scrachboard para realizar este pequeño trabajo personal sobre los personajes de @artofmmignola
That smile... We discuss “B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: Cometh The Hour 3-5” on this week’s podcast! #hellboybookclub #podcast #bprd #mikemignola #laurencecampbell #guydavis #scottallie #davestewart #johnarcudi #johannkraus
I love the existential drama associated with this all powerful armor. We discuss “B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: Modern Prometheus,” on this week’s podcast! #hellboybookclub #podcast #bprd #mikemignola #johannkraus #juliantotinotedesco #scottallie #davestewart #johnarcudi
Johann’s had a lot of in-of-body experiences... We discuss “B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: Nowhere, Nothing, Never,” on this week’s podcast! #hellboybookclub #podcast #bprd #mikemignola #petersnejbjerg #guydavis #jamesharren #scottallie #davestewart #johnarcudi #johannkraus
This image is a reoccurring theme throughout the story, out with the old... We discuss “B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: Nowhere, Nothing, Never,” on this week’s podcast! #hellboybookclub #podcast #bprd #mikemignola #petersnejbjerg #scottallie #davestewart #johnarcudi #johannkraus
I love these Laurence Campbell pieces from the B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth Wasteland sketchbook. We discuss this story on our latest podcast! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #bprd #mikemignola #laurencecampbell #davestewart #johannkraus #abesapien #lobsterjohnson
Johann’s nightmare, excruciatingly detailed by James Harren. We discuss “B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: The Long Death,” on our latest podcast! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #davestewart #jamesharren #bprd #johannkraus
Action shot of the week! No trivia here, just my favorite page featuring B.P.R.D. agent Johann Kraus! We discuss “B.P.R.D. The Dead,” on this week’s episode of Hellboy Book Club! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #guydavis #bprd #thedead #johannkraus #bestofbprd