No Clue if this gif will work but !! heres a process gif of my last thing

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"Is this the first time that you've ever seen
Aurora Borealis crush mankind?
The wind-chimes chiming with the screams,
A pretty winter night,
Your hand in mine."

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hes rly pretty dont @ me. also, tryna figure out what tattoos he'd have shskdj I have like .. Too Many Headcanons abt that

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class is over tiem to be stupid
sorry to literally everyone who followed me for Content That Isn't This
anyways what could be better after a Really Difficult Monster Fight than ramen'n'TV amirite

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john dies at the end... good series. I dont usually draw in a realistic style and idfk what possessed me to now but Hey !! here's what I Think the main trio look like + snapshot of Eyes bc I lov drawin eyes so much-

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I dont care if nobody knows wtf this is I love this book and I love these Fucking Idiots

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