remember people; while roxygen and johnrezi are decent fun ships, they are still just bootleg versions of johnrose and johnvris

1 11

This is for all the roxygen shippers, personally I prefer johnrezi but I can see why people ship them, they do look cute together

9 24

I must apologize for I am a huge johnrezi fan, one of the best ships in homestuck imo 👀

7 21

Finally finished this old wip! They're exploring Earth C together 🥺

21 53

Eh two johnrezis I never posted here

10 33

johnrezi johnrezi johnrezi johnrezi johnrezi johnrezi johnrezi johnrezi johnre-

42 141

Fuck it, Johnrezi on main

56 221

Just wanted to do something more in the mspa style

38 157

she's a descendant of terezi and she is named fucking lemonsnout
she definitely has imposter syndrome because she wants to be 1000% better than terezi could have been but also wants to be babied by her at the same time.

56 214

two panels to a johnrezi lyricstuck to dream sweet in sea major that i'm never going to finish

52 171

please...i need married johnrezi to cure my ailments

sorry i made john a dilf 😔🤷‍♀️

36 148

Some parts of Johnrezi made me feel so sad for them, even being together like this it doesn't feel ok.
(im still reading meat)

22 79

I wanted to draw the John and Terezi reunion from the ‘Meat’ epilogue

6 27