お題「吉良吉影 」シャーロックみたいに女性の手を分析しそうな静かに暮らしたいサラリーマン(33)。#JOJO版深夜の真剣お絵描き60分一本勝負

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1 8

this is by far the worst haruno ever like a toddler posessed my hand

7 13

might as well finish this, haha - Jolyne is a lamia, Hermes a kinnari - mythical creatures

1 10

お題 [プロシュート] 間に合ったぁぁ 兄貴「おーい、着たぞぉ」 ペッシ「髪もですよ!兄貴ッ!」っと結ったばかりで解きたくないハロウィン兄貴

2 11

お題「ホル・ホース」遅刻( ;∀;) アイアイサー!ってすんごい好き。ショットガン難しくてとてもテキトー。ほほほ

4 12

お題:アナスイ ギャー!大遅刻ですみません(/_;) 横顔は描かないんじゃなくて”描けない”!練習しなくては・・!

4 19

would egg baby get his dads smoking habits??? maybe

10 13

お題:由花子 ジョ女子!! セーラー服着せたらこんなのも似合いそうかなーと:) 間に合ったぁぁけど帽子・・・(;_;)

1 3

sorry this took forever to finish but have some glasses models

14 35

I had the 11PM ACNL music going on so they're having a fishing date...at night...?

18 35

I'm pretty sure Joseph just hoards pitfall seeds just to do this

37 60


2 3

"Grandpa keeps smashing all of our cameras..."

5 17

course my internet cuts out the second before posting - monster au

18 32

what came to mind when i herd of today's prompt

14 25

Late!! And only enough time for flat coloring ;; but here are the Zeppeli boys u////u

30 52