completely different media than last post, haha >__> i love working with watercolours. All the tools spread neatly all over the workdesk. Paper almost annihilated by too much water, trying to correct mistakes that can't be fixed XD <3

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was quick/sloppy work tonight.
And feels generally weird. Started trying to make it look less deranged at some point and then realized it looks just like someone that I really don't like. And now I can't stop thinking that, jeez..#mermay2020 nom nom fish..

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15 - so this might not be the cheery tale one might've liked for the grand finale of mermay >_> i just got inspired about this sketch i did in the beginning of may. At least it's dramatic as hell.. and i like how the unrealistic blood turned out :D

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14 - inspired by Enrique Fernandez. Drew two vs, trying out actual ink and steel first, then realizing how long ago it was since I tried that last (*cough*twelveyears*cough*) and redid it with regular pencil. Ended up using both vs mixed^^

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12 - this is based of an old sketch from 2016. The original had a shitload of gold and darkness all over it, but when drawing the new lineart I decided to go all Disney on it instead. It was pure therapy finishing something old : D

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11 - Fishgrl is diggin' the electronic human msc. Shirt say "Raft Junk" = heavy ref to Daft Punk and the Discovery-album. Fav DP-album by far.
2nd pic is mercre anatomy-sketch. Bscly human but bigger with fins and heavier arms for better swimming.

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09 - generations.
New piece. Not entirely sure about the characters colouring. I'll see how I feel about it tomorrow.. Bg-colours however are so inspired by s dreamy mermay-art from two days ago <3

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05 - old drawing, unpublished until now. graphite and watercolour :)

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04 - sillinesses..
A sketch from last year. Johnny Bravo would be proud of the mans hairdo I think ;D

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02 - quick ink/marker sketch to celebrate the beginning of Mermay <3

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