🎨 Oriol Angrill Jordà

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Teach me to feel again in all the way ..
.. I have forgotten.

🎨 Oriol Angrill Jordà

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Watercolor by Oriol Angrill Jordà

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“I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you’re everything that exists, the reality of everything.”
Virginia Woolf, Night and Day

Oriol Angrill Jordà🇪🇸

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Quella preoccupazione ad intermittenza che ti fa capire il ruolo che rivesti...

Oriol Angrill Jordà
serie Stellarscapes

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Agé de dix ans lors de la Retirada, Joan Jordà connaît l’exil, le dénuement, les camps Pratiquement en autodidacte, il se lance dans la peinture dès 1947. Sa première exposition personnelle montre son engagement dans la dénonciation de la violence des pouvoirs dictatoriaux.

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Painting by Oriol Angrill Jordà

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🎨 Oriol Angrill Jordà- Watercolor

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Painting by Oriol Angrill Jordà

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オリオル・アンリル・ヨルダ(Oriol Angrill Jordà)(1986~)による「星座」。スペインのイラストレーター。二つの画像を組み合わせて一つにまとめる手法をとっており、星々の輝きを内側にもった女性たちの肖像画を描き出しました。風景と女性の顔を組み合わせ、様々な作品に仕上げています。

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Blendscapes by Oriol Angrill Jordà

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“Stellarscapes” by Oriol Angrill Jordà | https://t.co/GGmYrswdt7 |

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“stellarscapes” serie'15 by Spanish artist Oriol Angrill Jordà

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https://t.co/SWhYYAQ55d Oriol Angrill Jordà — R. R. Contemporary Female Portr…

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https://t.co/KcFjMccO7I Oriol Angrill Jordà — Magenta (from “Blendscapes” series)…

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