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yep Jordi is my fav one in WD series

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Innoless used 'unique' ways to get weapons, financial access and subordinates… There are the three most capable assistants,Jordicor,Amano and K.M.(Kurt Monson).

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Jordi likes to roleplay... a lot 😳💦
Happy (belated) Chinese New Year 🐮

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Nixie Redesign! Im probably gonna change the colors later XD
(New one, left Old one, Right)

She's from a place called the Fjordic Tundra, home to unforgiving terrain, creatures of myth, and the ancient Oni Tribes of legend

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Feliç dia de Sant Jordi!! Un però amb la mateixa il•lusió de cada any

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Bona dia de Sant Jordi 2020 a totes i tots! i que la força ens acompanyi el q queda de confinament 📜🗡🐉📚🌹

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Recomanació per al nivell intermedi (B2):
“Hachiko. El gos que esperava”, de Lluís Prats () Un llibre amè, de fàcil lectura, basat en l’amistat i la fidelitat.

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"The real void is not the
one you're looking at
it's the one you are looking from. "

-Adyashanti -

📷 Jordic Koalitic

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