THIS is the quality we have been aiming to achieve. Worth the wait, at least for us. Diamond Age Season 1 TRAILER coming soon.

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One of our main reasons for delays is that we're improving our lineart. See four yourselves and tell us if it's worth the wait!

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Para mi público hispanoparlante... ¡¡¡NUEVO CAP DE DIAMOND AGE!!!

Descubre el destino del General de los S.H.Y.T... ¿Y quién es ese misterioso personaje?

Enlace aquí.

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Diamond Age chapter up!!!

Check out the fate of the H.A.T.S. General in this arc epilogue. And who´s this mysterious guy?

Link here.

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For those of you who liked our chapter 2 cover, we bring you a full view of the Lycan. One of our favorite characters and images. Enjoy.
Link to our series here:

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New character coming in next chapter.

Helena Rose, Chief of the C.P.D. (Centrallis Police Department).

Here is our link.

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