I give you an illustration I did about Joulupukki the Christmas goat and its myth. I have a thread about it on my profile.
I also leave you my instagram: @ raijinsillustrat.
Merry Christmas!

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[Krampus and Joulupukki - Happy Christmas!]
Which are you? The naughty please go with Krampus-san to get dominated, and the nice please go with Joulupukki-san to get cuddled.
Something for everyone this Christmas!

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¡Feliz Yule!
Quería hacer una ilustración sobre un personaje muy importante en los pueblos escandinavos, concretamente en Finlandia, y no es nada más y nada menos que Joulupukki, la Cabra de Navidad, que se ha ido transformando hasta Papá Noel.
Abro Hilo:

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Aika kirjoittaa toiveet. Perinteinen luukku 10: "Joululahjalista"

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Happy Holidays!
These are the Finnish Goat People.
Santa was originally Nuuttipukki and then transformed over time into Joulupukki. Don’t ask. Pukki means billy goat. Goats are big in Europe. Some cultures make giant goats out of branches and make a huge goat bonfire.

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I made another version of this "Santa" (in Finnish Santa is Joulupukki which translates directly to Yule goat. Joulu = yule, pukki = goat. So it's accurate to draw Joulupukki look more like Krampus than merry old Santa).
With this I want to wish you all merry Yuletide!

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Finnish ppl will get the sweater. :D (sorry i forgot your commission - apology art for Fiffe )

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