Good grasp on forms too! Also one of the artist of JPLegacy's Isla Sorna Field Guide

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Some JP related artworks appreciation post. Jurassic Park Institute profiles by Timothy J. Bradley (left, official) and JPLegacy Isla Sorna Field Guide by T-PEKC (right, fanmade).

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Saw this come across our feed on Instagram, do not buy this t-shirt made by IKONICK! It uses imagery stolen from fans, specifically Vlad Nikolav's JP Raptor art! Vladimir has been a long time friend to the Jurassic-Pedia team, and was a frequent illustrator for us at JPLegacy.

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T-PEKC amazing art for the Ingen list dinosaurs from JPLegacy.

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This ones for our homies the Original Jp Trailblazers!

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