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Top Nine 2022 - YGR64的插画🥺🥺
Source: https://t.co/0hHxThUqZF

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romery x jucika 14

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That's the modern Yayita, the original by Pepo looked nothing like that, but the Palomita girl looks like that by default, it's like a Chilean Jucika

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Jucika! Everyone loves this Hungarian girl XD

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susie pfp to jucika pfp

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Obligatory bunny suit Jucika 🐰

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Liked that? Here's some other Jucika drawings I've made over the years.

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Some Jucika doodles for the new year! Was supposed to be for Christmas but was busy with loved ones.😅 A resolution of mine is to be consistent this year!

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No se... la encuentro muy uwu y me gustan las tiras que suben a twitter, y como creo que es del dominio publico me dan ganas de crear un comic sobre ella.

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風刺画といえば、冷戦下のハンガリーでJucikaを生み出した漫画家のプシュタイ・パル(Pusztai Pál)が描いた風刺画に『イワンとジョー(Iván és Joe)』という作品があって、共産圏の立場でアメリカを風刺した風刺画なんですが、米ソともユーモラスに描かれてるのがまたかわいいんですよね

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