
30 27

a flat-plain-simple sketch, just like relationship lol

15 35

I mostly draw shipping fanarts in iKON for my friends, so if we're close u can persuade me to draw someone for u😆 Anyway, as u can see, I have many iKONIC friends who ship junbob😆
And that short comic was so them, see here👉 https://t.co/FdK6gqcitt

3 21

Also guys!
I want to embrace all people who are brave & true to themselves. Screw everyone, you do you and I'm proud of u.
That's why I'll be posting some shipping iKON art on my patreon.
See 3 DeepNight arts (junbob) here 👉

1 15

; Nom, nom, nom~


28 65

Always a pleasure when it’s JunBob

0 0

🔥 🔥

Junbob all the way, my soul is weak for THIS STYLE!
Got lots of cutest and hilarious comic strips, check them all out =P

♦ iKON fanarts – https://t.co/gisBOtAHyl
♦ IG – https://t.co/9Wxrr700Co

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45 70

; Let's travel together and get lost with me in beautiful places


89 186

고리대금업자 겸 뒷세계에 발 담그고 있는 지웑이랑 그런거 다 알면서도 몸 팔겠다며 집적대는 주내

수족관 물그림자에 숨어 입술을 맞출락 말락한 그런 장면

33 62

; hyung, I'm scared ><


74 170

The Prompt :

“I’m just trying to have a good time, but you passed me by on the street and I saw my entire life flash before my eyes.”

Link : https://t.co/diRVsN1yl8

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