Richard Nixon signed into law 🖋.

‘No Knock ✊ Warrants disproportionately target Black people’ 👨🏽👩🏽‍🦱🧑🏽‍🦱, . Never heard a White person being killed by a Warrant.

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Thank you for the life you've lived, for pursuing your dreams with your all. It's teaching me to do the same. Praying for justice for you and your family. Rest easy, Bree. 🙏⚖️

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It’s been 1 year since Breonna Taylor was murdered in her own home. Today we continue to say her name + pray for justice. 🕊🙏🏾🤍

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I'm very indescribably angry and bewildered at the injustice that is STILL being served to Breonna Taylor. (Not even including the racial injustice that is STILL. HAPPENING.) Let the fight carry on! Don't let it stop!

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What’s taking so long for this verdict ?!

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Happy Friday! Here, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, it's a beautiful day to arrest the cops that killed Breonna Taylor. 🌞

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Here's a reminder that it's been 136 days since three monsters senselessly & horrifically murdered Breonna Taylor while she was in her own home. She didn't deserve to die. She deserves justice. Her family deserves justice.

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Dear Breonna,
I Am so sorry this is taking so Long...

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Let’s all work on a better future for our black & brown friends and family. Start by celebrating people like breonna & Elijah now not just when they are murdered. Show these people the same love&respect you show strangers on tv

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Ain’t shit “Happy” about today. It’s just the 4th.

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Black, Indigenous, and brown women have forever served as warriors, caregivers & protectors for people and our world.

All while simultaneously suffering the greatest violence, abuse & expendability.

We demand real justice.

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