Day: 30 Favorite Jyushi AU

I failed this😭I'm sad I didn't have the motivation to complete all the other Jyushi drawings but at least I got Toshio done!(i love him so much-) Tysm Mallow for creating the prompt, happy last JyushiMAYtsu day!

7 16

Day 28: Fave Jyushi Episode

JYUSHIDOLPHIIIIIN (aka "Jyushimatsu and the Dolphin")

6 18

Day 27: Hustle Muscle!

A great way to pump yourself up!

11 36

Day 24: Birthday

How long did he wait inside that cake?

12 22

17. Cosplay (VA Jokes)

Nanananana BATMAN!

13 30

11. Default Outfit

Hermoso y muy tierno en su ropa de siempre, que ha de oler a sudaor y sangre... y tal vez perro mojado asja

12 31

10. Girl
Mo novia la jyushiko toda hermosa

9 31

Day 6: Cute

When you're also pretty (cute) in pink!

8 17