no one:
me: time to draw k'thriss

1 27

i dont remember if k'thriss getting strangled by that jar hand really happened or if it was just a joke but. cartoon squeak sound effect

5 29

looking thru old art to try and find something and i dont remember drawing these cteam cats. there's no rosie or k'thriss, sadly

4 7

I still like this old K'Thriss. I miss Them

2 29

(goes thru my own art and nods to distract from how sad i am about the show ending tonight) deciding k'thriss is a fashion goblin was truly a stroke of genius on my part

2 18

No joke, I did the first drawing of a hypothetical K'Thriss but femme-presenting as a sort of fun AU doodle. And the next episode their body was destroyed and redesigned by Walnut. HAHA MANIFESTATION. The other drawings were after that ep.

6 66

What a nice segue in a bunch of K'Thriss-related art! This first one was in the show's opening reel for a while. The second one is a tribute to an American Revolutionary War poster. The third was an attempt to extrapolate a grown version of K'Thriss long-lost sister.

0 15

remembering that half an episode k'thriss spent naked because they lack the ability to feel shame. need to live a life like that

1 8

there was a real chance jim was going to die for a second there so i was thinking about reincarnation. that spell ended up staying on walnut's sheet so she would eventually use it to save k'thriss so thanks jim for being always on the brink of death

1 13

i think i drew this after k'thriss got their new body? the bones of my final design are there. i miss hexblade k'thriss like every day

1 20

ART 145
April 1, 2019

I ship it.

That's right.

K'thriss/Books OTP.

Or as we in the elite rare pair shipping community call it: K'ooks.

0 15

Merry K'thrissmas! Now I can hang my holiday ornaments thanks to and !

2 12

As it turns out I can do an entire spooky art post of just K'Thriss related drawings. Love this creepy friend!

10 30

K'thriss and Ligotti contemplate each other. Line art by I transferred it to watercolor paper to color :)
Characters from Acquisitions Inc. C-Team

32 300

ART 10
June 28, 2018
Rosie & Donaar go to a wedding (and a funeral). A young Welver boy approaches Donaar about Yum Yum hut franchises. Ligotti enters a rebellious stage and K'thriss attempts discipline. It doesn't help.

1 22

i cant remember what k'thriss' outfit looks like |

1 15

This was insanely hard for me tonight hfhffgg

Like to join the meme/be assigned a color &pick top 4

"What's up, new K'Thriss"
"Momma Rosie Beestinger"
Look, his eyes were listed as violet and I was struggling, Duo Maxwell
IDK MAYA IS PRETTY COOL (and miles is burgundy/wine red)

1 8

2016 would also be the year the AcqInc blindbox set was released, with K'Thriss as one of the (ahem) 'rare' pins (actually a misprint; K'Thriss was quite common. I believe their rarity was changed in the second run of blindboxes)


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