Happy Belated Bday !!!!!
Wish you a great birthdaaayyyyyyy

3 23

お誕生日おめでとうございますmoya!! Gommeen telaatt banget ( ˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )
Sehat selalu, happy slalu, cute slalu dan smoga semua keinginan tercapai yaa moyaa moyaaa

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Eh? Ada yang ulang tahun? Ehhhh?
Wish you all the best ya dear 🧡🧡🧡🎃🎃
Ditunggu debutnya di youtube hwehwehwe *wink wink

3 16

Also this 2 masterpieces is from @/mikaru_ch -san..!! Even now, i want to cry when i saw this because im so happy

2 13

how i see normal moya and gendbend moya

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