Starry Night in Teyvat 🌌 Dainsleif from Genshin Impact inbetween Inteyvat ✨ digital piece done in 💖

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Although it wouldn't make sense bc he's supposed to regret not being able to prevent kaenriah from their fate lol.

On other hand what if he's a cousin, a bro, a grampa... XD...

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Este pavo es de Kaenriah a mi no me engañan y esto me refuerza mas la teoría de lo que nos cuenta Katarina que algún día lucharemos contra un enemigo en común, este pavo ha creado los fatuis para pelear contra Celestia por venganza, lo veo venir

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Day 9
Had on the fact that Keya ages very slowly (or not at all - hello Kaenriah), and therefore over the years he only got snow in his hair and the love of the people of Mond

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I hope Kaeya will be buffed once we reach Kaenriah

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