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prince richard,, from that obscure nintendo frog game 🐸 #forthefrogthebelltolls #kaerunotamenikanewanaru
#C97 #ForTheFrogTheBellTolls #KaerunoTameniKanewaNaru
it's my boy richard
#KaerunoTameniKanewaNaru #ForTheFrogTheBellTolls #thefrogforwhomthebelltolls #princerichard #princeofsable
„Richard, you look so adorable as a frog, hehe!“
„S-stop calling me an adorable Frog, Sable. Now, gimme that Joy fruit so I can transform back into a human!“
Princess Tiramisu is having a sleepover with her two favorite princes! I hope they have a fun time! #forthefrogthebelltolls #kaerunotamenikanewanaru #princeofsable #iwantherpajamas
Fanart for the fantastic Gameboy Game „Kaeru no tame in Kane wa naru“ („For the Frog the bell tolls“)
Prince Sable (right) and Prince Richard in his Frog Form (left)
#forthefrogthebelltolls #Kaerunotamenikanewanaru #fanart
#inktober x #smashtober day 29: Prince of Sablé, the cowlicked shape-shifting boy wonder
#inktober2018 #digital #ink #inkwash #illustration #forfrogthebelltolls #kaerunotamenikanewanaru #sableprince #intelligentsystems #gameboy #nintendo #smashbrosultimate