Beware the Fog Gadoll. 🌬⁣

A unique type approximately 3 meters tall. While camouflaging itself by emitting a mist from the ventilation holes on its body, it attacks with its huge jaw and sharp claws, which are webbed.

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We're kicking off this week's DECA-DENCE with Stargate! ⭐️⁣

Its head is shaped like a starfish, and the red parts are eye-like organs. Its decaying muscle fibers secrete sticky fluids and the humans see it in this state of falling apart, still unfinished.

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Megaloain is a mid-size offensive Gadoll. It lacks eyes, the protuberances on its body evolved from teeth, and the red lines are gums. It can move the individual teeth in its mouth independently.


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Darumoss is a mid-size offensive Gadoll, approximately 7 meters in height. It protects its body with wire-like bristles. ⁣


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Don't be fooled by appearances. 👀⁣

Spoonwormer is a mid-sized Gadoll that humans butcher for its meat. It can transform into a bipedal form. Before transformation it has a mouth at the bottom, and after it uses the brown pincers on its tail to attack.

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You don't want to mess with an avispine. 🙅

A mid-sized offensive Gadoll, approximately 5 meters in height. Attacks opponents with its sharp talons and piercing beak and may sometimes launch its dorsal spikes. Very quick and agile.

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This is a tall one. 😳

Gilands are large-sized offensive Gadoll. Approximately the same size as the Deca-Dence, and can walk on two legs. Its back is covered with spikes that look like fossilized shells.

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DECA-DENCE is serving us some amazing creatures with each Gadoll. 👀

This is an octhulhu, a mid-sized offensive Gadoll, approximately 6 meters in height. It attacks opponents by lashing them with its arms and tail.

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