# spiritedaway fantasy animated anime fantasyfilm japan hayaomiyazaki studioghibli yubaba noface haku poster posterart posterdesign alternativemovieposter sima2 sebelumiblismenjemputayatdua sebelumiblismenjemputayat2 timotjahjanto lutesha fanart portrait sketch webtoonhelena webtoonfanart helena webtoon webtooncanvas romance drama dramaalert cinematography quoteoftheday quotesindonesia quote digitalart tpod thepromiseofdecember digitalcomic artwork illustration draw dune dune2020 fanarts conceptart digitalartist digitalartwork artistontwitter dunemovie dunefilm timotheechalamet denisvilleneuve virgoandthesparklings virgoandthesparklingsmovie film filmindonesia virgo odyharahap pubgmobileoutfitsdesign pubg pubgmobileindonesia pubgmobile pubgm pubgoutfitsdesigns panjitengkorak skull skullart skullface skullmask paintings pendekar komikindonesia silat nusantara pendekarindonesia kikyo koga miroku inuyasha sesshomaru kagome painting kanna kagura naraku thelastofuspartii thelastofus2 thelastofus thelastofuspartll ellie playstation playstation4 gamefanart creature thelastofuspartli theinfected shamblers clickers luka summer summerbreeze summervibes magazinecovergirl magazine magazinecover magazinecoverchallenge girl cover model covermodel fantasyart fantasycity fantasylandscape landscape aquarium seahorse aquapark blue water imaginaryworld digitalpainting wonderpark aquascape artistofsea myneighbortotoro studioghibliart myneighbortotorofanart ghiblifanart totoro thebatman thebatman2021 thebatmaniscoming

Halo , I'm Kakafauzi, a storyboard artist and illustrator based on 🇮🇩 my artworks focus more on brush strokes and the feel both Expressionism & Impressionism.

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