Quería ver más aventuras en Chuubyo gekihatsu boy🥲
Con Boku no Tonari también
Y del último tengo recuerdos medio vagos, pero el cloudy day es eterno!
A kakushigoto era cortito, pero su final está bonito, aunque seguía con mis dudas sobre la madre de Hime

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67.1) Ore to Joushi no Kakushigoto Tsuzuki no Hanashi

⤴️ ภาคต่อเรื่องด้านบน

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Dia 20-Seu seme favorito:

Tem muitos que eu gosto entre os mangás que já falei nos últimos 19 dias, mas quero postar um que não falei ainda. Então, o Mikado de Ore to Joushi no Kakushigoto. Eu adoro ele demais,otaku de idol no armário plus um amorzinho.

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i'm REALLY sorry for adding too many but i really love this one so i'm gonna recommend "Ore To Joushi No Kakushikoto" and it's sequel "Ore to Joushi no Kakushigoto Tsuzuki no Hanashi"! ++

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2020: Great Pretender fucking banger soundtrack, really fun show, unique art style, got extremely fucked by Netflix. Honorable mention to Kakushigoto, Somali and the forest spirit, and Seton Academy.

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2020: kakushigoto

this show was so cute and wholesome aside from koji kumeta’s gags being vaguely xenophobic and homophobic(??) sometimes

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Ya hace casi dos años que terminó Kakushigoto y le sigo guardando el mismo cariño desde que lo ví en emisión. Es una historia sumamente hermosa que llegó a hacerme soltar lágrimas. No creo que este anime deje mis favoritos

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Descending Stories
Kakushigoto: My Dad's Secret Ambition
Hozuki's Coolheadedness
Fairy Tail Ice Trail
Tsuredure Children

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Kakushigoto: My Dad's Secret Ambition
Fairy Tail Blue Mistral
Tsuredure Children

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bueno estoy en racha con las obras de Kouji Kumeta, primero Joshiraku, luego Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei y ahora Kakushigoto https://t.co/yidTWEJPGj

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Se presentó la Portada del primer volumen recopilatorio de la adaptación de novela ligera a manga "Silent Witch -Chinmoku no Majo no Kakushigoto". Está programado para lanzarse el 01 de abril del 2022.

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Mais animes estão chegando ao catalogo da hoje as 13hrs, confira:

🔸"Absolute Duo" (Leg).
🔸"And you thought there is never a girl online?" (Leg).
🔸"Kakushigoto" (Leg).
🔸"Maken-Ki Season 1 & 2" (Leg).
🔸"Noragami Season 1 & 2" (Leg).+

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Ilustração especial para o décimo quinto aniversário da novel "Ookami to Koushinryou (Spice and Wolf)", de Nanna Fujimi (""Silent Witch: Chinmoku no Majo no Kakushigoto").

Um "anúncio importante" está agendado para 25 de fevereiro.

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I'm not explaining cause i dont wanna go full midwest emo on the first reply but all i gotta say is read Kakushigoto secrets (manga) / I have a secret (light novel) cause Para my beloved

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Watched Kakushigoto today!

It's a really funny heart-warming comedy with a really good cast of characters and an awesome single father and daughter relationship! Most episodes were great but I felt like it was building up to something big that didn't ever really happen


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