Good evenyan and here's my latest Today is 紙, paper!

I have an easier time remembering this because the part on the right looks like a sheet of paper. It also uses 糸(thread) because you could use thread to make paper.


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こんいちにゃ and welcome to my Today I'm covering 地, earth!

Note that 土, ground, is in this kanji, and the relationship between ground and earth.

Other radicals convey the same idea of being part of a kanji.

にゃりがと, みんや! またにゃ!

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Good afternoon and welcome to my Today I'm featuring 場, place!

This kanji is pretty challenging for me, ngl. The bottom-right strokes are really tough to remember.

You can remember this kanji with 土 (ground) and 易 (place).


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Today I'm featuring 頭, head, in my

This kanji is also used as a counter for large animals! Think like "heads" of cattle. I thought that was really interesting when I learned it.

にゃりがとう! I hope you're enjoying these. ^_^

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Good afternyan, and welcome to my Today I'm featuring 角, angle!

I included 'horn' as a meaning because the original kanji was based on an animal's horn. And since horns usually come out at angles... ^_^


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Hello and welcome to my Today I'm featuring 少, few/little!

I like how this is 小 with an extra stroke, which subtly changes the meaning. 小 usually refers to "small size", while 少 is usually "small number".

Thanks for stopping by, またね!

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