I’d like to share a video of a recent painting, a 11x14 acrylic on black paper called “Tiger Lily Flowers.” https://t.co/ddSLJriomV

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July 20th is National Moon Day. This is my painting called “Lunar Golf, of an astronaut teeing up his next shot from the moon. https://t.co/VsxyazuqNx

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Tonight, is the final game for the Men’s NCAA Basketball Championship with Baylor vs Gonzaga. Here is my painting called “Powerful Slam Dunk.” https://t.co/6WNJr8NBzs

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Happy Easter! This is a landscape that I painted titled “He is Risen” with three crosses and a powerful sunset at Golgotha. https://t.co/pLM8FZLdkW

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Tis the season...I'm more of a grinch but why not share some sketches of the jolly "Fatman" on his off time. around the corner.

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Laying in the first layer of color on this little sunset painting - a fun refresher after doing portrait work!

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I am going to do a 30-Day Monthly Drawing Challenge in an upcoming month.  Let me know what suggestions YOU have for me to draw in this challenge, and I will pick the best ones to do! 


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