Dadang Dzaelani ( ) karaoke stream to celebrate his 500 subs! Wohoooo~ ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧
starts at 14:00 - GMT+7
Waiting room
Please kindly check his Youtube channel!

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(◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Hey~! Mañana en la noche tendremos un nostálgico de Bleach para celebrar los +3K follows en Twitch! 🙌 Let's go!

🇲🇽 7:00pm | 🇵🇦 8:00pm | 🇻🇪 9:00pm | 🇦🇷 10:00am


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Meow Meow Motherfuckers! Karaoke Stream tomorrow at 6pm PST! See you there!!!
Yes, I did decide to look for new backgrounds to add to the atmosphere hehehe

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I HAVE A KARAOKE STREAM SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY! GIMME SONG SUGGESTIONS TO ADD TO MY LIST. I'm hella nervous to do it, but I hope you'll come support me ;m; <3

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WE PLAYING ONE HAND CLAPPING TODAY, It’s not QUITE Karaoke, but it’s close enough until I get back from my trip, hehe!🧡

Waiting Room:

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Türchen 13:

Energiebelandenes gute Laune Bündel in Form einer süßen Monddämonin. Bombastische Imitationen, Karaokestreams und comfy Kunst

Bounty Hunter mit einem Händchen für Kunst und wilden Mangoverfolgungsstories. Return eagerly anticipated :3

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