Great chance to look back at some of my own Kalia art, and why not get a glimpse at some other concepts?

Good friends with cool scribbles:

(even if he doesn't share them very often)

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As a lil Discord thing, we drew our characters/personas as kuparkukes. (from 's game)
Here's a Kuparlia! 🌟

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Some prop studies for The ancient ruins are full of magical machinery, a craft that has been lost to time. While most of it has been in disrepair, some of them might still work.

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Wouldn't be a proper character dad if I didn't have a drawing of her based on an anime screenshot, would I?
Bonus points if you can recognize the source! 😈

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All this spelunking leaves Kalia hungry for her favorite food, and who else to serve it but Carrie from 's "Carrie's Order Up"? 🍔

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One last piece of Kalia artwork for the year. It might be too early to share this mysterious concept, but it turned out too good not to do so.
All shall be revealed when time is right.

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Not much to share lately as I plan out the second chapter of the demo... So why not share some "concept art"? I don't consider myself an art guy, but the motivation of the project was what led me to give it a try.

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I don't always do but when I do I like to do it differently. Here's a bunch of Kalia fanart from some very valued friends:

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About time to give the new monster a face! Currently experimenting with looks for the cave spiders.
These creepy crawlies will swarm around the caverns restlessly and their bite will inflict Kalia with brief poisoning, but they can easily be frightened away with fire! 🔥

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Always good to keep these early concepts around as memorabilia. x)
Here I have the first concept for (from over a year ago) vs how it looks right now.
And the third image is a rough layout concept for the first half of the entire game (as currently planned)!

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Some noticeable changes to puzzle structure coming in a "hotfix" tomorrow. I won't explain why these changes were made as it would defeat their purpose, but hopefully they guide players better through the puzzles in the demo!

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Felt like sharing an older Kalia concept. What's going on in here? It'll be quite a while before I can answer that. 🤫

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Wish I knew ahead of time to prepare something for Fortunately, I do have a few drawings of Kalia lying around that showcase her cat (well, in concept at least).

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Before I sign off for the afternoon, a little something extra I wanted to share in celebration of pride month! 🏳️‍🌈
I want Kalia and her stories to be relatable and comfortable to people of all walks of life, and this is just a little gesture towards this goal!

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What's up Paladin?
As a little personal celebration for finally finishing all the sprites for the KatFS pre-alpha boss fight, I would like to share its death animation! 🗿

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One advantage of making the boss a construct: you don't have to worry about making its animations look stiff or robotic! 😅

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My last major task before the first release of the pre-alpha demo is to sprite the final boss. I came up with an initial design for it, and I got a feeling it's gonna be a challenge to draw all the sprites for it! 😅

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Happy Easter from Kalia and friends!

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