My part of zine feat Annelies, my beloved OC!! 🌷

See the full version of the zine here ➡️ 🙌

16 31

Happy new year 2023~
Late but here we go Van den Boogaard siblings 🌹

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Happy Birthday my oc, Iqbal 🥳🐼

12 31

Hi!!! I joined
Syahrul going to Cafe with Zeno ( 's oc!!!)
Ga disangka ternyata mereka nyambung loh 😳 Zeno yg cool gini bisa ngobrol hangat dengan Syahrul yg cuek xixixi😆🙌

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My boy just got a new friend, Syahrul!! ☺️❤ (OC by ) He is so cute with the glasess 😭❤❤

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Syahrul lagi duduk maniezz 🧎

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Once again, Happy Birthday to my self (?)
//isn't weird to say Hbd for my self???

Thank you so much for the supports also thank you so much for being my moots 🥰😔 so sorry if i rarely interact with you 😔🙏

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Hello everyone!! My name is Kairiii!!! Nice to meet you all 🫶

Currently i draw some OCs (u can find it on also i draw fanart (mostly Pjsekai)

Once again, nice to meet you all 👋💖

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Trio Apel kambek

Psssstt w kemaren g pede tbh

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Annelies join the trend 👋

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Annelies nyoba seifuku nieehhh xixixi

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Still recovery but here we go! 🔥🔥💖

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Happy Birthday Raihan, dedek dari Trio Apel 🥳🎉 moga sukses bersama w y//heh

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Akeome, moga tahun ini banyak uang 🙏🙏

18 44

Hi moots baru 👋 salken y w kairiii ("i" ny 3 tp serah sih) :") w suka mie kuah tp g boleh makan tiap hari :"( oh y klo klian mo liat anak2 w bisa dilat di yak 👌

1 7

G ada Apel tp yg ada Trio Apel 🍎Selamat Hari senin guys saatny back to reality //slap

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Warm up bareng Ann 🌛

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habede Iqbal anak w paling sabar

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